Health Care


We need affordable and accessible health care

Families should not have to rely on Go Fund Me or risk bankruptcy if a family member is injured or ill. The pandemic has made it even more clear that access to health care is a necessity for all.

We need to protect a woman’s right to choose

Women’s Health care decisions should take place between a woman and her physician. Access to basic healthcare should not be limited based on gender.

We need to protect the ACA and it’s provisions within our state

We must permanently adopt the provisions in the Affordable Care Act and require health insurance providers to offer coverage to NH residents regardless of medical history and continue to offer coverage to young adults via their family plan through age 26.

We need to care for our most vulnerable citizens

The opioid crisis continues to represent a need for both treatment and prevention. A lack of mental health services has resulted in some of our most vulnerable citizens being on the streets or at risk in their homes.