Meet Lisa

I grew up the youngest of three daughters to a single mom.   I saw firsthand how hard that was – Mom worked two jobs to support our family and keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.  And it was heartbreaking when we had to sell the first home our family had ever owned. 

I believe we need strong leaders with a fresh perspective to work together to offer the best opportunities to everyone, regardless of gender, race or zip code. This is my home, and I’m committed to finding creative solutions to make New Hampshire better for all of us.

I am asking for your vote so I can get to work in Concord –  I am a small business owner, a mom and a proud Granite Stater. I’ve seen firsthand the challenges we face in our communities, and partisan bickering isn't the way to solve them.

I am running to represent Hampstead because I love this town and I believe that we all deserve to be represented in Concord, regardless of political party.